Monday, December 22, 2008

PC Acronym Fun

Last week, all of the PCVs of G11 were in Elbasan for our LR/IST. This was the first time that all of G11 has been together since PST. This is also the first time that G11.5 joined us. We have a really cohesive group and have only had one person ET so far, so almost everyone was there (we missed you Paul, I hope you had a good trip home!). The first three days were IST on technical skills- this was run by the PTO and PMs. The days included SaSe sessions (where we talked about our recent EAP test), KSA sessions and idea sharing. I think we might have even discussed our RVID and PACA tools too! Also, the PCMO was on hand to give us HPV, HepA, HepB and TBI shots. My arm still hurts!

The second three days is LR run by the LC and LCFs. Although I have seen a few of the LCFs since training, there were a couple that I hadn’t seen, so that was nice. We had the opportunity to have a LPI if we want, but I didn't. I was satisfied with my I-M level after PST.

Some of us were really not happy about having the IST in Elbasan (our training site) especially since G10 have had trainings in Durres, Fushe Kruja, Korca and Pogradec and I bet they will have a cool COS but this is our second conference (out of two so far) being held at the same hotel in Elbasan! Also, in the past the IST and LR have been held separately and this year they decided to combine the two to cut costs. They have promised that we will have a great site for our MSC- I’m thinking somewhere on the beach . . .

The best part about Elbasan, actually, was that there was a brand new grocery store built across the street from the hotel. It had chocolate chips, powdered sugar, chickpeas, Parmesan cheese and other goodies. My plans for next week include cookies and falafel. Yum!

Ok, so if you understood any of that, you just might be a PCV (or RPCV). If you didn’t understand any of that don’t worry, there is a glossary following- and don’t even get me started on World Vision acronyms!


COS- Close of Service (refers both to the conference and the actual date of departure)
EAP- Emergency Action Plan
ET- Early Termination, when a PCV leaves the country before COS
G10- Group 10, arrived in Albania March 2007
G11- Group 11, arrived in Albania March 2008
G11.5- Consists of 8 transfers from Georgia, arrived in Albania August 2008
IST- In Service Training
KSA- Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes
LC- Language Coordinator
LCF- Language and Cultural Facilitators
LPI- Language Proficiency Interview
LR- Language Refresher
MSC- Mid-Service Conference
PACA- Participatory Analysis for Community Action
PCMO- Peace Corps Medical Officer
PCV- Peace Corps Volunteer
PM- Program Manager
PST- Pre-Service Training
PTO- Program/Training Officer
RPCV- Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
RVID- Roles of Volunteers in Development
SaSe- Safety and Security

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