Monday, May 11, 2009

Why haven't you visited me yet?

It turns out that Albania is the new, hip and cool place to take a vacation. At least according to all these guys:

The Guardian
National Geographic
The Daily Camera (Yes, the one in Boulder. Actually from their community blog, but cool nonetheless!)
Lonely Planet Slide Show
Reuters (not really on tourism, but on general development)
The Independent
South Eastern European Times

So seriously- why haven't you visited me yet? There is only so much time left when you can say "I visited Albania before it was cool to visit Albania" and actually be telling the truth! You may even be too late! I have a couch and will travel . . .


Arlene said...

Great links, Becca.
My sons are coming for a visit next week!

becca said...

and Arlene, you have been here, so you are off the hook! I hope I get to meet Chris's bros while they are here, but I'm not sure as I will be busy until my parents come in two weeks!

Inday said...

I just finished checking out your links - can't wait to get there