Monday, January 25, 2010

Heading into the home strech, but not heading home

Welcome to 2010!

2009 was my only full year in Albania, and it sure was a full year. Even though day to day it sometimes seemed like I wasn't getting much done, when I look back on the year, I can see that I have done a lot here. With World Vision, I helped the team do community meetings with over 900 community members in order to design two projects that are getting underway now- one about water, sanitation and hygiene and one about violence in the home and school. I've been working with several different groups of students- a successful Model United Nations team, a Girls Empowerment group (done in Albanian, a real challenge for me) and an Outdoor Ambassadors group (environmental education). I helped another volunteer put on a musical with 45 kids, I helped run a summer camp for 50 kids from all over the country, and I traveled to 6 new countries. I also spent a lot of time traveling around Albania and even more time in my beautiful town of Peshkopi . . .

Anyway, as I get ready to head into the final few months of my service here, I am starting to look forward to when I will leave Albania. I have decided to "take the long way home" and travel for about 6 months before I return to the states. Taking another example from my parent's life, I think that this is the best time for me to see the world. I have a very tentative itinerary below and I'm hoping that you, my friends and family, can help me out with a few things:

1. Take a look at this list. Do you know anyone in any of these places that just might open up their homes for a few nights to a backpacking RPCV (returned Peace Corps Volunteer). I'm traveling on a just got out of the Peace Corps budget, which is basically the same as a still in the Peace Corps budget, which is basically no money! I am hoping to stay with friends and couchsurf when I can. Please help me get connected to people!

2. Have you ever traveled to any of these places? What was the best thing? What should I avoid? These are all new places for me so I am open to all suggestions!

3. Do you want to get a postcard or two? I like sending them, so send me your address and you'll get something from my travels . . .

4. I am doing this trip, for the most part, alone. And so now I'm inviting you to join me! I know that not many people have the freedom to travel for 6 months, but maybe for two weeks? Look over my plan and think about it . . .

June 10- Close of Service in Albania
June- July
North Albania/Kosovo
Balkans (Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Serbia)
Bulgaria, Romania,

Ukraine, Russia

Russia (train), Mongolia, China

S. Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia

Indonesia, Philippines

Solomon Islands, Fiji, California, Home!


Unknown said...

Hey - this is kinda random but I'm a PCV in Bulgaria and there are a TON of us out here spread out all over the country! Many are near Varna or Bourgas (the beaches) which would be perfect to visit during the summer! Your trip sounds awesome! Albania is on my list of places to visit while I'm over here! My email is if you've got questions about BG!

Megan said...

I am a Peace Corps applicant and have enjoyed reading your blog. I traveled to Slovenia and Croatia for 2 weeks in 2007. Bled, Slovenia is one of my favorite places in the whole world. If you are short on cash as my friend and I were you can swim to the little island in the center of the lake. The locals thought we were kinda nuts, but it ended up being one of my favorite travel memories. Because we were wet we weren't allowed in the church, but we were okay with that. We had just finished touring Italy and were a little church/museumed out. Zagreb was also a very nice place with a lot of character. I heard that there were some incredible waterfalls in Croatia, but we didn't have time to visit them. The people were very friendly and a nice change of pace after Italy. My sister is moving to Malaysia in June or July and might have some recommendations after that if you still need suggestions. Good luck and enjoy your trip and the rest of your service.
