Saturday, June 30, 2007

Maybe he's just not that into you . . .

Ok, when you ask a (drunk) guy to make out with you and he says no. . . maybe he's just not that into you, right? I've never read the book, but I think I get the jist just from the title. I'm not sure what else I can do. I've always been a pretty big flirt. It has gotten me in trouble on more than one occasion. But lately my flirting skills seem to be diminished. I've lost confidence, maybe. Or I've lost "attractiveness". Whatever the case, I don't feel like my flirting is doing any good. Even when I basically give him an open invitation, he doesn't kiss me. How clear can I be? I want to make out with you. Nothing. Maybe he's just not that into me. The question is, why not????

1 comment:

Linus said...

How could he refuse you? Maybe he's gay...