Friday, November 30, 2007

Anxiety Dream #1

Usually when I am about to start a new part of my life or I am in a particularly stressful period, I have dreams that illistrate my anxieties and fears. My freshmen year of college I had a series of dreams that involved broken films, screaming mobs and smashed laptops (movie theatre manager/stress about school). Last spring I had a series of dreams that involved birds, notably my darkwing duck dream, I think about the uncertainty of my life at the time (I had just quit my job, but didn't yet know when I would leave for PC). Last night I had the following dream:

I was sitting in a living room that approximated my parents house, watching cartoons in a recliner. I was very interested in the cartoon, although I can't really remember any of it now. About half-way through, my dad came in and sat down in the chair next to mine. We engaged in small talk, but I was not really paying attention because the cartoon was really good. At some point I got annoyed that my dad was talking to me and I snapped at him. He then went on a tirade about how I was lazy and self-involved (very unlike my dad would ever do in real life) and stormed out of the room. I woke up with the feeling that I AM lazy and self-involved and that all I ever do is watch TV. Untrue and annoying.

My interpretation of the dream is that I am having anxiety about the amount of technology that will be available to me when I get to Albania. There is really no way of knowing if the place that I will be living will have a TV, if my town will have a movie theatre or if I will even have electricity. In the grand sceme of things, all of this is really not that important, but in reality, the idea of giving up my electronics scares me a bit. It is one of the many things that I have to wrap my head around over the next three months.

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